Digital work orders T-Box Insulation Resistance
- Availability: On Order
- Brand: Thepra
- Product Code: 118010052
- Product viewed: 6934
Digital work orders T-Box Insulation Resistance
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The T-Box Insulation Resistance consists of a box and the associated E-learning. The box consists of a prepared HV cable set and possibly a Bosch FSA 050 insulation resistance meter. With installations where high voltages occur, the correct insulation resistance of wiring and components is very important for safe operation. Being able to check the insulation resistance in the correct way is therefore a task for workshop personnel.
Insulation Resistance Box (advanced), 2 h 09 min
After going through the practical assignment: You know how to handle the multimeter and insulation resistance meter. You know the meaning of insulation resistance. You are able, in accordance with the workshop documentation, to measure/check the insulation resistance. You have experienced what it means for the measurement result and conclusion if you do not carry out the measurement according to the workshop documentation. You know what it means for the installation and therefore for the customer, if the insulation resistance is too low.
- HV cables - basics
- Working on hybrid vehicles - basics
- Permanent insulation monitoring - advanced
- Insulation resistance Box: Insulation resistance - advanced
- Insulation resistance Box: Isolation resistance - finding failure - advanced
License: You purchase a license for any number of students and teachers with a period of validity of 10 years. This can be extended individually after. The software will be activated on your Electude e-learning domain.
* Separate license may apply for the Preliminary theory.